I'm part of a card exchange that a group of ladies from a message board community that I've been a part of for about five years, are doing. There are 9 particpants. So what you have to do is create 8 cards. You send them off to the organizer, then when she has received everyone's cards, she packages up one of each and sends them back to you. So each person particpating gets back in return 8 unique cards.
So I'm trying out a few things to see what I want to do for the exchange. Its a blank card exchange. So we can't put any sentiments on it at all. So this is sample number one. I like this card. I like the colours. I like that its simple. I think it could be used for a number of occassions, and I think that if someone wanted to, they could easily add or stamp their own sentiment on the front
Paper: Anna Griffen
Stamp: Baroque Motifs (SU)
Ink: Pretty In Pink (SU)
I really like that motif. The exchange sounds like a lot of fun!